Arabic alpahabet has 28 consonantic letters, and one of the things which drives people crazy, first of all, is the number of forms each letter has: 4, one for each position in a word; there's "Solar and lunar letters", or letters without a link to the next letter in their second and third position in words; and now, scream: there's NO VOWELS in Arabic! Fortunately, usually 3 of them are used -anyway, all the forms of a letter are kind of close to each other-, and vowels can be used in the case of being a new learner (stresses called dhammah (-u), kasra (-i), and fatha (-a) + súkun above a vowelless consonants). Then we can see, also when we notice that each letter is linked to a particular sound (unlike in English Spelling) and that the shape of some numbers is close to each other (1-10:١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥ ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩ ١٠), that Arabs can be also pragmatic.
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